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04 MAY '15

The dildo that can be filled with ashes of your loved one

Category: News

Yeah they did! Don’t know if the world is coming to an end or something… but one thing is certain! Some designers have a crazy imagination and they don’t waste any time in putting it to work. This time I’m talking about Mark Sturkenboom who thought it would be a great idea to design a dildo that can be filled with the ashes of your loved one. : ) For the full experience, Mark also designed a special box that comes with the dildo & that holds some unique fixtures. Ring holders, fragrance diffusers or a pair of speakers that can be controlled with an iPhone are some of the things you can find in that box… and if you want everything to remain private, the whole thing can be locked with a key that can be worn as a pendant… …If this is too much for you, other suppliers give you the option for penis casting in order to customize your dildo after your guy’s penis… So either way, you are never going to be lonely again! ; ) You’re WelCum! ^_^ Mia  

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