PornDoe » Blog » Cara Delevingne gives Kendall Jenner a porn-themed cake for her b-day!
04 NOV '15

Cara Delevingne gives Kendall Jenner a porn-themed cake for her b-day!

Category: News

Wanna know what's a really good birthday present? A cake filled with vaginas, nipples, dicks, a pic of you and your friends and some really good jokes! And don’t go thinking it’s too much… cause it really isn’t! I mean, if Cara Delevingne sent Kendall Jenner something like that, it’s definitely a good birthday present! : ) Even their combined name, #CaKe, is destined for candy glory!!! Soo… who could refuse such a sweet and dirty treat? You’re WelCum ^_^! Mia    

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