World Naked Bike Ride: save the planet, ditch the panties, free the nipple!
One of my favorite global activism events is taking place every June in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's quite a sight! World Naked Bike Ride is exactly what it sounds like, a bare-it-all event which aims to raise awareness about the "indecent exposure" of car air pollution, and is also a symbol of bikers' fragility and lack of protection in the car-dominated traffic. Several cities have already celebrated this past weekend, amongst them London, L.A., New York, Bristol, New Orleans and Manchester, and by the looks of it they had lots of fun! Each participant stripped down to a comfortable state ( which for many meant butt naked! ) and took their bike for a ride on a predetermined route, to the unassuming pedestrians' delight or shock... Hundreds of nude bodies, tons of funky accessories and body painting, militant messages written on bare skin... this sounds like a hippie's wet dream! Admire these free spirits and their boldness right after the jump. The New Orleans unicorns were so fucking sexy! And so were Chicago's pretty asses and cute small titties. New York's alternative beauties freed their nipples. Seems like Londoners love taking all their clothes off! The beautiful, expressive people of L.A. were a colorful presence. Bristol's happy fairies shared their joy and lovely bodies. World Naked Bike Ride is a pretty amazing way of protesting against our oil-driven society, and it's one of these occasions where you can really feel the energy of the mass, bond with strangers, feel the connection. And when everyone around you is naked, the vibe of the crowd reaches another level... pretty ecstatic! Would you dare to stay bare? Toodles from Venus ❤